
Fiberglass is a glass-based fibrous material whose main component is silicate. It is made from raw materials such as high-purity quartz sand and limestone through a process of high-temperature melting, fibrillation and stretching. Glass fiber has excellent physical and chemical properties and is widely used in construction, aerospace, automotive, electronics, and electric power.
The main component of glass fiber is silicate, in which the main elements are silicon and oxygen. Silicate is a compound composed of silicon ions and oxygen ions with the chemical formula SiO2. silicon is one of the most abundant elements in the earth’s crust, while oxygen is the most abundant element in the earth’s crust. Therefore, silicates, the main component of glass fibers, are very common on Earth.

What are the raw materials used to produce fiberglass

The preparation process of glass fiber first requires the use of high-purity raw materials, such as quartz sand limestone. These raw materials contain a large amount of silicon dioxide (Si02). During the preparation process, the raw materials are first melted into a glassy liquid. Then, the glassy liquid is stretched into a fibrous form by a fibrillation process. Finally, the fibrous glass is cooled and cured to form glass fibers.
Glass fiber has many excellent properties. First, it has high strength and stiffness capable of resisting forces such as tension, compression and bending. Second, glass fiber has a low density that makes the product lightweight. In addition, glass fiber also has good corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance, can be used for a long time in harsh environments. In addition, glass fiber also has excellent electrical insulation properties and good acoustic properties, is widely used in the field of electronics and acoustics.

Post time: Mar-06-2024